Brevard Healthcare Navigation
Brevard Healthcare Navigation
The Evelyn McPherson Fund may grant up to 4 hours of an Aging Life Care Professional’s expertise -- Brevard Healthcare Navigation is an approved Aging Life Care Professional that will assess the veteran or aging parent to identify problems and provide solutions. ($500 value - NO COST to Veteran)
This cost-effective service option provides family members and clients with the most important and comprehensive information they will need when determining where to start. Most people don't understand what options they have when planning for current and future needs. Our Needs and Risk Assessment Report is individualized for your specific situation and care needs. This is a great place to start when families know they need help but have no idea where to start. ($600)
Having a special needs child (regardless of age) requires specific planning for healthcare, financial and long term housing options. Every plan we create is designed to be utilized in a binder where your loved one's information is readily available for medical appointments, assessments, legal planning, etc. This preparation for future needs will give you the peace of mind you need. ($600)
We understand that families live out of town, and being able to put eyes on a loved one can be challenging to arrange and navigate with work and young children. Our EYES-ON service helps you to see your loved one to ensure their care needs are being met. We will visit bi-monthly or monthly, provide a photo or video chat with your loved one and follow up with a written status update. This option is perfect for those not needing care management. Most visits are completed in an hour. ($90/hour)
When an emergency occurs, every second counts. Our specialized Medical Emergency Face Sheets and packets can be a lifesaving document filled with the specific information needed for family members, caregivers, first responders, physicians, etc. Don't waste time searching for multiple lists, we will include your medical diagnoses, medications, allergies, insurance information, primary care and specialist contact information, DPOA / HCS / Living Will, Attorney and even the details on who to contact to care for your pet if you are transferred to the hospital. ($150)
When additional community support is needed, we have the resource information that you will find helpful. Our extensive database will save you time and unnecessary phone calls by connecting you quickly to the right organizations and help. Personalized referrals are standard among our Needs and Risk Assessment and Care Management Services.
Our unique workbook puts all your estate notes, financial, digital assets and personal information in one location. This comprehensive document created by Brevard Healthcare Navigation is a valuable source of information for Durable Power of Attorneys; Health Care Surrogates; Trustees; or Executors when the time for action necessitates accuracy and expediency and is easily shared with your family attorney for direction and legal advice. ($150)
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction, this is not a diagnosis. It assesses different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation. This assessment must be provided by a Certified Rater that has passed a training course to properly conduct and score the test. These tests are scored only and are a baseline for additional testing - a medical professional must provide a diagnosis. ($125)
Approximately one-third of adults age 65 years or older fall in their home each year, resulting in injury, long-term disability and premature loss of independence. Our Certified Home Safety Specialist will identify the risks at your home (inside and out) so you can improve your ability to age in place. ($600)
Care Management and Coordination options can include weekly, twice-monthly or monthly home status visits, coordination with physicians on healthcare changes, attending physician appointments, overseeing hospitalized care and helping to reduce hospitalization. We assist persons with various healthcare challenges - from young adults to centenarians. Our guidance and knowledge helps to promote improved outcomes. ($90/hour)
As Board Certified Patient Advocates (BCPA), we help those having trouble navigating the healthcare system and wish to understand their options. We assist with insurance problems, deciphering hospital bills, long term care insurance activation, preparing persons for appointments that yield better communication with healthcare providers, etc. Healthcare and Patient Advocacy enables the consumer to obtain information and make educated decisions that further their individual goals. ($110/hour)
If you are seeking detailed consultation to help guide and advise, we offer phone consultations by scheduled appointment. Consultations begin at 30 minutes or ongoing on a weekly, or monthly basis. For recurrent appointments, we do accept retainer fees. ($50/30 minutes)
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